
Showing posts from May, 2018

Special Interview from Corey I had gotten the chance to interview the very famous Corey Maison for my project. Corey was very happy to be interviewed and was grateful that I had chosen her to be my interviewee for my project. The first video is a video of our interview, since there was no sound one of my teachers helped me out and we borrowed someone else's phone so that we could voice record our interview too. I hope that one day I will get to meet Corey in person and I can tell her all about my experience of being  transgender too. 

My Life as a Transgender Teen This is a story about my being a transgender teen. It isn't that easy being transgender. People will make fun of me and they will ask questions that I don't want to answer. But I know that some day in the future that my life will get easier and things will be much better.

A Video From a Transgender Named Corey Corey shares her inspiring story about when she was younger she didn't know what was going on with her until her mom showed her a picture from online. The person online was Jazz Jennings and she used to be a boy. The was when she finally realized that she was transgender.

Why Gender Equality Is Important

Transgender people should be treated with the same dignity and respect as anyone else and be able to live,  and be respected , according to their gender identity. But transgender people often face serious discrimination and mistreatment at work, school, and in their families and communities. For example, transgender people are more likely to: Be fired or denied a job Face harassment and bullying at school Become homeless or live in extreme poverty Be evicted or denied housing or access to a shelter Be denied access to critical medical care Be incarcerated or targeted by law enforcement Face abuse and violence Living without fear of discrimination and violence and being supported and affirmed in being who they are is critical for allowing transgender people to live healthy, safe, and fulfilling lives. In recent years, laws, policies and attitudes around the country have changed significantly, allowing more transgender people than ever to live fuller, safer, and healthi...

What The Difference Between Transgender and Being Intresex

People sometimes confuse being transgender and being intersex. Intersex people have reproductive anatomy or genes that don’t fit typical definitions of male or female, which is often discovered at birth. Being transgender, meanwhile, has to do with your internal knowledge of your gender identity. A transgender person is usually born with a body and genes that match a typical male or female, but they know their gender identity to be different. Some people think that determining who is male or female at birth is a simple matter of checking the baby's external anatomy, but there's actually a lot more to it. Every year, an estimated one in 2,000 babies are born with a set of characteristics that can't easily be classified as "male" or "female." People whose bodies fall in the vast continuum between "male" and "female" are often known as  intersex  people. There are many different types of intersex conditions. For example, some people a...

Interviews from cis-gender people

Dani's Interview Questions to ask: Do you know of anybody that is transgender and if you do have they had problems that took time to fix? Have any of your friends been bullied because they identify as a different gender? What do you think we can do in our community as a whole to stop the bullying that is going on in school to not only transgender kids but LGBTQ students What is something you would say to incoming freshman and to the kids in all grades. Answers Yes I do and I've seen it happen all the time and it’s not right and straight up rude. Yes a lot people make fun of them because they have physical qualities of one gender but they identify as another and people find that out of place People should just let others be themselves and don't make a big deal about it Its a huge change from going to a middle school to a high school and that they should accept others and embrace change and the only thing is constant is change. ...

Interview from a transgender

Aaron's Interview I had interviewed one of my classmates at school to see what they had to say about transgender students and what its like to be transgender. These are the questions and answers that I asked and received from him. Questions: 1. Do you know of anybody that is transgender and if you do have they had problems that took time to fix? 2. Have any of your friends been bullied because they identify as a different gender? 3. What do you think we can do in our community as a whole to stop the bullying that is going on in school to not only transgender kids but LGBTQ kids? 4. What has it been like going through this change? 5. Have things been easy or hard for you during your change? 6. What is something you would say to incoming freshman and the kids in all grades Answers Problems that took time to fix:            1. There was a problem for a long time about the access for students who are trans or gender nonconforming to have access ...

What Can We Do To Help Transgender Youth

There are actually a lot of things that we can do to help out the transgender youth. We can step for awareness we can create support groups at school for the LGBTQ community Encourage respect in the student population toward the LGBTQ community Have "safe spaces", such as a counselor's office, available for LGBTQ students to find refuge if they feel threatened Bring in psychologists who are familiar with LGBTQ issues to speak to victims and bullies alike When it comes to the bathroom we could have the students who are transgender, if comfortable, talk to the office and their teachers about using a staff or one stall bathroom so that there won't be any problems between anyone When a student or the student's parent or guardian, as appropriate, notifies the school administration that the student will assert a gender identity that differs from previous representations or records Some schools that have implemented transgender policies have made ...

What is happening in schools

People think that there really isn't anything that is happening in schools because nobody ever says anything because they are to scared to tell people whats going on. Students will ask transgender students why they don't use the bathroom that they identify their gender as. Transgender youth will skip school to avoid encountering bullies. Other things that transgender youth will do are get seriously depressed, attempt suicide, abuse illegal drugs and /or engage in risky sexual behavior. North Carolina passed restrictions on school restroom and locker room access in March, Sky Thomson, a 15-year-old transgender boy, said in a legislative hearing that forbidding him from using the boys' restroom "gives bullies all the more reason to pick on us." There are students who are silencing transgender students because they feel they shouldn't be allowed in their school just because they are "different."

Problems that happen to transgender youth

There are a lot of things that happen to transgender youth and it isn't just bullying. They have a lack of legal protection in some states meaning that hate crimes against them will not necessarily be perceived as hate crimes.  From participating in sports to being called by the appropriate name and pronouns, school can be a difficult place for transgender youth.  Another thing that happens to them is poverty. Some transgender youth will lose everything that they have when disowned from un-supportive families. There are so many things that happen to transgender youth and they are up to 10 times at higher risk for death by suicide . Transgender, transsexual, intersex and gender non-conforming people are disproportionately poor, homeless, and incarcerated, and are 7-10 times more likely to be a victim of murder. 30% of transgender people report being homeless at some point in their lives, with 12% saying it was withing the past 12 months.   Locally the Ruth Ellis Cente...

What Transgender means and How You Know Someone Is Transgender

Transgender is a term used to describe people whose gender identity differ from the sex they where assigned at birth. Transgender is used as an adjective and should never be used as a noun. Transgender should never end with -ed.  Many transgender people will transition into a sex that differs from the sex they were assigned at birth. As part of the transition process, many transgender people want to change their bodies to align with their gender. Some work with doctors for hormone therapy, and some will undergo surgeries as well. People will realize that they are transgender at many different ages. Some can track it back to when they were younger but others may need more time to realize that they are transgender. Some people may spend years feeling like they don't fit in not really knowing why, or may try to avoid thinking about their gender out of fear, shame, or confusion. Trying to repress or change one's gender identity doesn't work; in fact, it can be very painful and ...