
T-shirt Designs

Who Inspired Me

I was inspired by two transgender people, Jazz Jennings and Corey Maison. When I was little I never really understood what was going on with me. I really thought that something was wrong. I wasn't the only one in my family to notice that though. One of my older sisters, Heather, had helped me understand more about who I was she showed me a video of someone the same age as me who was going through the same change. Instead of wanting to be a boy she wanted to be a girl. Her name is Jazz Jennings. All throughout my life I had just watched videos on Jazz Jennings just to understand more about who I was. I always hid who I was from my parents because I knew that they wouldn't be as supportive as Heather was. As I got older I started to change how I dressed, if my mom picked out clothes for me then they would just sit in my closet and I would never wear them. I always wanted for her to buy me boy clothes so whenever she took me shopping I would walk to the boys section and she would ...

Special Interview from Corey I had gotten the chance to interview the very famous Corey Maison for my project. Corey was very happy to be interviewed and was grateful that I had chosen her to be my interviewee for my project. The first video is a video of our interview, since there was no sound one of my teachers helped me out and we borrowed someone else's phone so that we could voice record our interview too. I hope that one day I will get to meet Corey in person and I can tell her all about my experience of being  transgender too. 

My Life as a Transgender Teen This is a story about my being a transgender teen. It isn't that easy being transgender. People will make fun of me and they will ask questions that I don't want to answer. But I know that some day in the future that my life will get easier and things will be much better.

A Video From a Transgender Named Corey Corey shares her inspiring story about when she was younger she didn't know what was going on with her until her mom showed her a picture from online. The person online was Jazz Jennings and she used to be a boy. The was when she finally realized that she was transgender.

Why Gender Equality Is Important

Transgender people should be treated with the same dignity and respect as anyone else and be able to live,  and be respected , according to their gender identity. But transgender people often face serious discrimination and mistreatment at work, school, and in their families and communities. For example, transgender people are more likely to: Be fired or denied a job Face harassment and bullying at school Become homeless or live in extreme poverty Be evicted or denied housing or access to a shelter Be denied access to critical medical care Be incarcerated or targeted by law enforcement Face abuse and violence Living without fear of discrimination and violence and being supported and affirmed in being who they are is critical for allowing transgender people to live healthy, safe, and fulfilling lives. In recent years, laws, policies and attitudes around the country have changed significantly, allowing more transgender people than ever to live fuller, safer, and healthi...